How to: Abstract Rope Coasters
Enter into the creative world of textile artist, Gemma Patford, as she weaves her magic with this common household item, and makes playful and practical props that add personality to your abode.
What you’ll need:
+ 7.5 m cotton rope
+ Sharp scissors
+ Measuring tape
+ Sewing machine with zigzag stitch
+ Thread
+ Water-based acrylic paint, 3 colours
+ Standard craft paintbrush
+ Paper to paint on
Step 1. Untangle your rope and cut it into 10 equal lengths, measuring approximately 75cm each.
Step 2. Take a piece of rope and coil one end into a small circle, so it resembles the number 9, with a small coil and a tail of loose rope.
Step 3. Place your coil under your needle and slowly start to zigzag stitch the rope together. Bind the coil together by reversing over your stitches a few times to secure them. Repeat in the diagonal direction to the first line of stitching.
Step 4. Once your coil is secure, slowly begin to zigzag stitch the loose rope to the coil. Be sure that the zigzag stitch captures the loose rope and the coil as you sew.
Step 5. Continue sewing until all but the last few centimetres of the rope have been sewn into the side of your coaster. Loop the last few centimetres of rope underneath itself and sew it closed, forming a little eyelet nubbin. Repeat Steps 2-5 until you have a neat stack of 10 round coasters.
Step 6. Coat your coasters with acrylic paint and leave to dry overnight.
Step 7. Once the base coat is dry, decorate your coasters with acrylic paints.
This is an edited extract from Roped In by Gemma Patford, published by Hardie Grant Books.