Paint effects masterclass — Abode Magazine
Paint effects masterclass

Paint effects masterclass

Lend a French provincial look to your walls and furniture this spring with Resene’s step-by-step masterclass in colourwashing.

How to: Paintwash Panels

What you’ll need
+ Two paint colours, one light and one darker. Resene Double Alabaster and Resene Silver Chalice were used for the panels opposite.
+ A paint brush or roller, depending on the area to be painted. 
+ Resene Paint Effects Medium
+ Resene Hot Weather Additive
+ A piece of washed muslin or an old, soft dish cloth.

Step 1: Apply two basecoats, using Resene SpaceCote Low Sheen paint in a light colour.

Step 2: Using a darker colour, dilute around 40% of the paint colour with 50% Resene Paint Effects Medium and 10% Resene Hot Weather Additive. 
Working quickly, brush the darker colour over the base colour in a criss-cross pattern. 

Step 3: Immediately wipe off with a muslin cloth, using a gentle downwards motion to reveal some of the basecoat, creating a streaky look. To achieve the desired effect, practise on some card before applying to the wall or cabinet surface.

Step 4: To finish, apply a topcoat of Resene Aquaclear on panels or cabinets that need extra protection from wear and tear.

HANDY HINT: For larger areas, as opposed to contained panels (pictured here), the Resene experts advise using two pairs of hands – one to brush and the other to wipe, so that the top coat doesn’t dry too fast.

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