Picnic perfect
Whether you’re planning an evening on the grass at Christmas in the Park, or taking a Sunday drive with the family, Total Food Equipment recommends keeping it simple and fresh with a yummy picnic.
There’s something special about eating outdoors and in the lead up to the holiday season there are plenty of excuses to pop a picnic set in the boot and head out with family and friends.
Picnics should be quick and easy and the secret is all in the planning and preparation. With a little forethought and a few tricks, feeding the hungry crowd should be as easy as finding a great spot to lay out the picnic blanket and opening containers.
With a few key pieces of equipment, and foods that store well and are easy
to eat, all you will need to do is hope
for a beautiful day.
Here are some tips for what to pack for a perfect, quick and easy picnic:
+ Prepare dishes ahead of time that can be eaten with just a fork, or even better, with your hands.
+ Freeze juices in an ice tray and put them in a thermos flask before you go. Your drinks will stay lovely and cold.
+ Take a chopping board – if you’re eating on the grass it makes a great place to put your glass. (You don’t want to be doing any actual chopping)
+ Pasta salads that aren’t dairy based are easy to eat and don’t spoil. Lettuce based salads will tend to wilt.
+ Store food in cake tins and plastic containers to reduce the amount of rubbish you create.
+ Pack your favourite tea towels – you can use them in the hamper to stop things moving around and they double as a placemat.
03 366 6912 | tfe.co.nz