Shared style

Shared style

Introducing Abode's newest columnists, Shayden and Georgia Whipps of popular and inspiring DIY and home décor blog, Mooch Style.


When Shayden and Georgia Whipps arrive home from their day jobs, there's little time to rest before they are hard at work again. Using every spare minute they can find, the couple share a passion for DIY and home décor sharing the details of each project, accompanied by beautifully styled photographs, with their many followers on the blog, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

As first-time homeowners, the couple's steep DIY and renovation learning curve sparked the seed of an idea and the Mooch Style blog was born. Creating and sharing their projects online provided the perfect outlet for Shayden's interest in photography and Georgia's eye for timeless style.


Embarking on the renovation of their St Albans home, the couple realised that many others would be doing the same thing. Shayden says, "We figured that our journey isn't unique, it's what most people go through at some stage in their life, so let's share it." As the followers grew, the blog expanded to upcycling furniture and showcasing how they have used favourite products in their home, partnering with brands to share recommendations with followers.

With four years of hard work on the house behind them, there is now just the bathroom, laundry and landscaping to complete before moving on to the next exciting project. Keep an eye on this column and follow Mooch Style for hot tips, tricks, and inspiring DIY projects.

Build the dream

Build the dream

The stories we tell

The stories we tell