The zen of nature
From natural wool carpets to customisable and handcrafted rugs, Bremworth now adds a new carpet to its collection that’s perfectly in tune with our New Zealand nature.
Galet wool rug in colour Sienna
Our lives today are busier than ever, with many of us struggling to carve out time for total rest and relaxation. Add to that our increased shift towards working from home, and it’s understandably hard to switch off from it all and enjoy some moments of stillness and quiet. More often than not, connecting with nature is the perfect way to steady our focus and calm our minds.
Bremworth understands our predicament and wants to help in our journey to a more peaceful and sustainable existence. The company has been working hard for many years to journey towards becoming more sustainable. They’ve said goodbye to plastic fibres and are welcoming the finest quality, style and innovation through New Zealand wool.
With the increased popularity of loop pile carpets in recent years, Bremworth now introduces a product that combines this love of wool and the need for durability in the family home. The result is a new carpet, elegantly called Kensho¯. In Japanese, ken means “seeing”, and sho¯ means “nature” or “essence”. It translates as “seeing one’s (true) nature”. An apt and fitting word to describe this carpet.
Bringing to life the essence of nature through this low and tight pile carpet, Bremworth was inspired by Japanese zen gardens and has brought this into our homes with a meticulously woven elegant loop pile.
New Zealand wool is unmatched in terms of warmth, cosiness and overall sensory experience. It’s been one of our nation’s staple materials for thousands of years, and with so many different products to choose from at Bremworth, it’s a versatile choice that suits a variety of aesthetics.
Galet wool rug in colour Sage
The Kensho¯ carpet is expertly crafted and features a calming palette of heathered neutrals, and it is ideal for a high-traffic home. There are six colours to choose from and all have the benefits of woollen carpets: easy to clean and maintain, naturally anti-static and hypoallergenic, fire and soil resistant and beautifully soft underfoot.
And if you’re looking for something just that little bit more personalised, Bremworth has a wide range of customisable rugs. You can choose the style, colour, size, shape and edging to best suit your interior.
When you’re choosing a carpet or rug for your home, it’s a given that the material needs to be durable, low-maintenance and available in multiple colours and styles. Luckily, Bremworth’s New Zealand made wool carpets and rugs tick all of these boxes and more. That’s peace of mind right there!
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