Playing with proportions

Playing with proportions

Katy Husband from Feather and Oak shows us how to create a statement interior by maximising the scale of feature furnishings to bring a sense of drama and intrigue.

Playing with scale is always a great way to keep things interesting in design. I love playing with more exaggerated proportions in everything from statement-making lighting to sculptural vases and artwork – all of which create a sense of intrigue and invite you to take a closer look.

Even proportions in hard finishes like tile and hardware can feel exaggerated and draw the eye to every detail, giving any interior a custom and thoughtful feeling.

Choosing one large-scale item creates drama within a room and plays interesting tricks on the eye. We’ve curated our top tips for working with large-scale items – this one is for the rule breakers out there or those who simply want to experiment with something new on their own!

Pick one item

When breaking the rules and creating a statement in your room, pick one feature item that you want to scale up. It’s critical when going beyond normal dimensions to understand that the item you scale up will become the central feature of the room. An oversized feature light or a piece of artwork could be used, or even blowing up the scale in a pattern on a chair or sofa will bring life and break the monotony of the expected.

The bigger the space, the bigger the scale

If your space is large, make sure you go large with your accessories and especially that feature item. If it is tricky finding items in the scale you need, grouping smaller items together to create a large, overall effect can be a great way to create impact.

Repeat patterns and shapes

It is important when playing with scale to ensure that there is still a relationship between the item and the rest of the room – we do not want the feature piece to look awkward or misplaced. Repeating patterns or shapes across the space can help the overall scheme feel cohesive but still interesting.

With a change in season right around the corner, it’s a great time to think about what areas in your home are in need of a refresh. Sometimes all it takes to completely transform a space is a little bravery and ‘rule-breaking’ – we love being bold, brave (and having fun!), so if you’re looking for a little guidance on how to transform your space, our styling team is here to help.

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