Ahead of the curve

Kamo Marsh Senior Landscape Architect Emily Hastie updates us on the freshest trends in garden design. 

Just as in interior design and architecture, landscaping styles do change – and they tend to reflect each other.

There is a return to the curve right now as arcs and arches make a big comeback, indoors and out. The trick is to sparingly and thoughtfully add curves into the layout of spaces or specific landscape features. This is different from the design trends of the 1980s and 1990s that favoured circles, waves and garden islands.

Curves and arcs are often seen in the hardscape, whether that’s a curved feature wall or seat, or the end of an outdoor kitchen bench, but they can also be used in the softscape of gardens and lawns.

Curves can aid circulation, direct the eye and soften a space. Used correctly, a simple arc can add style and interest.

There are also significant changes in style happening with materials and plant selection.

Material selection is becoming more considered, especially with regard to researching sources and using sustainable solutions. Similarly, water retention and the use of solar power are at the forefront of people’s minds, and permeable materials, such as specialised paving, are increasingly chosen in mixed-use areas.

Natural or recycled materials such as stone, brick and timber are widely used, and stepping stones are still prevalent throughout the garden but are less structured. We’re seeing more of the large stone slabs, offering textural interest and softer edges. Paving design has fragmented edges, blending into adjacent gardens.

Natural, warmer colours are in favour, especially in stone and brick.

Planting styles are also becoming less formal, and elements such as rain gardens are prevalent to mitigate water runoff. Again there’s an emphasis on locally sourced species, which grow well in our conditions. There’s a trend for mixed-use plants including edibles, and exploring how perennials and grasses can interweave with low-maintenance native shrubs, creating all-year-round interest.

03 366 8181 | kamomarsh.co.nz

Mix it up

Mix it up

Heating up

Heating up