Forward thinking

Forward thinking

Dean McGuigan from Golden Homes on the importance of retirement planning and the vital role property investing can play. 

When should you start thinking about your retirement: in your 40s, 50s or not until 60? Every day that passes you are one step closer. What do we all need to ensure a comfortable retirement? The answer is somewhat of a dirty word: money. And the annual spending amount is different for everyone.

Can you save your way there and not sacrifice your lifestyle along the way? Are you prepared to leave it to chance, put it on the back-burner and worry about it in years to come as you are too young and too busy?

Most New Zealanders give little thought to retirement planning, and if they do, they tend to underestimate just how much is needed for a comfortable retirement, how to make it happen and how much time it will take. That results in the need to work longer to have enough money to pay the bills or build up a little nest egg to see you through. And hoping that the government will still be paying out superannuation, which today equates to approximately $39,000 per year for a couple and $25,000 for a single person. Will that allow you to get out and about, travel, visit the kids and grandkids, eat out, own a car, have some insurance, heat your home, and enjoy life, or are you going to need more?

If you want to thrive rather than survive, now is the time to explore your options. One of the very best vehicles available to everyday New Zealanders to help get ahead financially is property. It has been, and always will be, a way to create more for your future. The sensible approach for most is long-term buy and hold, which takes time to grow in value. Now is always the best time to buy, as time in the market is more important than timing the market.

At Golden Homes, we love making your dream home become a reality and want you to be able to keep that home in retirement. We also know that you need to do more if you want a comfortable financial future.

Property investing is a business and a means to a financial end. Speak to the right people, build the right team, and work with the experts to ensure your safety and success. We have a dedicated investment team with the skills and knowledge to help you achieve a brighter financial future. Take a small first step and reach out for a chat.

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