A change for good

A change for good

You know it’s a great decision to choose natural products for the home. Bremworth knows that too and is on a mission to make happier, healthier homes through the natural power of wool.


This hero of local wool is on a journey back to nature. And with this journey, the first step has been to change its name from Cavalier Bremworth to Bremworth. Working with pure New Zealand wool was where the company was born, with founders Tony Timpson and Grant Biel inventing their own tufting system and creating carpet perfection over 60 years ago.

And for 60 years, Bremworth carpets have been synonymous with the finest quality, style and innovation. Time has shown that nothing comes close to New Zealand wool.

Ripples Tekapo

Ripples Tekapo

Now Bremworth focuses on revolutionising the home experience for customers and building a better future for everyone. This means asking some tough questions. Like how can the company make people’s homes healthier and happier and more sustainable places to live? The company questioned its production of synthetic carpet, which is known to be essentially made of plastic.

The average Kiwi home with synthetic carpet is similar to having 22,000 plastic bags (by weight) on the floor. Bremworth has decided to exit synthetic carpet production for good and will significantly reduce its contribution to the global plastic problem. Per annum, the business was consuming 2.5 million kilograms of synthetic plastic fibre.

Ripples Ohau

Ripples Ohau

Instead, the focus is now on the production of designer, high performing, safe, wool carpets. It’s better for the wellbeing of people and the planet.

Now partnering with top local designers, Bremworth can push the limits of contemporary design, using nature’s miracle fibres. The company is also looking at how to re-engineer natural materials to come up with the next generation of innovative home ideas.

Bremworth is also aiming to incorporate the United Nations Sustainability goals into its business. This means that the company is committed to investing in research and science to understand how to further reduce its environmental impact and green its processes.

Ripples Pukaki

Ripples Pukaki

And there’s no denying that wool has the power to enhance a healthy home. Wool can resist odours and help control moisture. It’s naturally hypo-allergenic and fire-resistant. Bremworth wool carpets and rugs also improve a room’s warmth and acoustics, helping the home stay quieter and cosier. It’s also naturally durable, stain-resistant and easy to clean, so perfect for modern family life.

It’s a change for Bremworth, its customers, families and everyone’s wellbeing. And it feels good.

0800 808 303 | bremworth.co.nz

Cosy up to autumn

Cosy up to autumn

The warm art of wool

The warm art of wool