That’s wool, folks

That’s wool, folks

Two modern powerhouses in the world of wool, Wilson and Dorset and Wisewool, have teamed up to bring a forward focus to the natural fibre, with an ambition to ditch synthetics.

In recent years, wool has seen a renaissance. It is on trend with traditional sheepskin rugs making a comeback. Innovative modern products are proving popular in living spaces thanks to their natural beauty, longevity and minimal environmental impact. 

Amanda Dorset, the founder of Wilson and Dorset, says that many consumers pay attention to their furniture and soft furnishings just as they consider fast fashion or what is in their food.  

This consumer desire meant an environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional synthetic fillers was needed for their products. 

“We’ve been making wool products that help people reinvent how they use their living spaces for a while now. But as the saying goes, ‘what’s inside matters’. So now we can finally provide a 100 per cent sustainable, green and healthy offering that’s fully woolly through and through.” 

Wilson and Dorset’s popular sheepskin cushions and stackable ‘stones’ sets have ditched any plastic fillings and are filled with Wisewool.

“Each product is of the land, harnessing wool’s natural attributes, and will return to the land at the end of its long life,” Amanda Dorset says. 

Amanda adds that wool products have an added bonus: they bring a connection to the land into the home, offering a distraction from the often hard edges of the modern world.

“Urbanisation has made people spend less time in nature. But actually, we have a deep, primal desire to be connected to it. So when we can bring nature into the home, we can slow down and reconnect. That’s what happens when you relax on a sheepskin." |

Functional luxury

Functional luxury

Settling for more

Settling for more